Student Guide Allotment

Student Counsellor

Ms. Manisha Mishra

Counselling Psychologist
Positive Psychology and Mental Health

Dr. Gagandeep Kaur Makkar

Clinical Psychologist
Psychological Disorders and Psychoanalysis

The objective of counselling in IIT Bhubaneswar is to provide students with multiple opportunities to address wide range of behavioural and clinical issues that negatively mediate academic performance and interpersonal endeavor. The state of wellbeing is manifested through equilibrium in mental, physical and social activities, which leads to better functioning individuals. In this regard counseling services in IIT helpful in boosting positive mental health of the students which reflects in terms of  higher self-esteem, self-efficacy and realistic expectation. Counselling also provides a stress-free learning environment where the students excel holistic development.

Important aspects in counselling:

  • Confidentiality
  • Unconditional Positive Acceptance
  • Sustaining Dignity
  • State of Non Judgmental
  • Informed Consent

Objectives of Counselling Services in IIT Bhubaneswar

  • To ensure the availability and accessibility of maximum Counselling and Mental Health Support services particularly to the students.
  • To encourage the implication of Counselling and Mental Health Support services in IIT Bhubaneswar
  • To create awareness on Counselling and Mental Health Support services to promote wellbeing
  • To promote basic Life Skills Education for the students to understand and attend to the Psycho-social and health needs

Issues addressed by Counsellor in IIT Bhubaneswar:

  • Academic issues
  • Feeling of Low self Worth
  • Interpersonal Issues
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Confusion/ Dissonance
  • Adjustment Issues/ Homesickness
  • Substance Abuse/ Addiction

Schedule of Counselling Clinics, IIT Bhubaneswar

Days Venue Consultation Hour
Monday M H R 13.30 PM to 14.30 PM
& 16.00 PM to 20.00 PM
Tuesday Weekly Off Weekly Off
Wednesday Dispensary, NISER Campus 15.00 PM to 18.00 PM
Thursday M H R 13.30 PM to 14.30 PM
& 16.00 PM to 20.00 PM
Friday S H R and Dispensary, NISER Campus 13.30 PM to 14.30 PM (S H R)
15.00 PM to 18.00 PM (NISER)
18.30 PM to 20.00 PM (S H R)
Saturday S H R 9.00 AM to 12.30 PM
& 14.30 PM to 16.30 PM
Sunday M H R 16.30 PM to 17.30 PM
(As Life Skills Training is there from 9.00 AM to 16.00 PM)

N.B:  M H R- Mahanadi Hall of Residence ,           S H R- Subarnarekha Hall of Residence           

Myths associated with Counselling and Psychological Services(CPS)

See Here