Subject Code:CE4L062 Subject Name: Pavement Design L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Pre-requisite(s): None
Types of Pavement, Pavement Composition, Philosophy of design of flexible and rigid pavements, analysis of pavements using different analytical methods, selection of pavement design input parameters, traffic loading and volume, material characterization, drainage, failure criteria, reliability, design of flexible and rigid pavements using different methods, pavement evaluation and overlay design.
Text/Reference Books:
  1. Huang Y.H.Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Education.
  2. Yoder E.J. and Witczak M.W. Principles of Pavement Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  3. Mallick R.B. and El-Korchi T. Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice, CRC Press.