Subject Code: CL5L412 Subject Name:  Advanced Oceanography L-T-P:  3-0-0 Credit: 3
Pre-requisite(s):  Nil
Western boundary intensification, barotropic currents and baroclinic transport over topography. Meso-scale eddies and variability. Indian Ocean dipole circulation, Linear waves, wave spectra, wave  propagation. Wave energy eqn. Breaking waves, reflection and dissipation, theory of tides, Tidal currents. Tidal processes in embayments and estuaries, Wind and buoyancy driven currents, Near-shore circulation, alongshore and rip currents, littoral drift, sediment transport, coastal ocean response to wind forcing, storm surges, coastal upwelling and fronts, Kelvin, Yanai, Rossby, inertia-gravity waves.
Text/Reference Books:
  1. Joseph Pedlosky. Waves in the Ocean and Atmosphere: Introduction to Wave Dynamics, Springer
  2. 2. D B Haidvogel, A Beckmann. Numerical Ocean Circulation Modeling. World Scientific Publishing Company
  3. Gill A. Dynamics of Ocean and Atmosphere, Academic Press
  4. Cavaleri L. et al. Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves New Ed Edition, Cambridge University Press