Subject Code: CY5P002 Subject Name: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory L-T-P: 0-0-6 Credit: 4
Prerequisite(s): Nil
Semi-micro Analysis of transition metal and rare earth metal ions in a mixture by using Spot technique. Preparation and (Spectroscopic Characterization) of: Layered Vanadyl Phosphate Dihydrate (Powder XRD, TGA); Tris (acetylacetonator) managanese (III) (Mag. Susceptibility at room temperature by Evans method, EPR); Tris (ethylenediamine) cobalt(III) ion & Optical Resolution (UV, specific rotation) Chlorotribenzyltin (IV) (1H NMR); Halocobaloxime: a B12 model compound (IR, 1H NMR) Estimation of phosphoric acid in soft drinks; Column Chromatographic separation of Chlorophyll from Plant (UV); Gravimetric estimation of metal ion from its ore, Characterization of Fullerenes (Using 13C NMR, and CV).

Text/ Reference Books:
  1. Vogel A. I. Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman Group Ltd.
  2. Bansal R. K. Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry, Wiley-Eastern.
  3. Ahluwalia V. K. and Aggarwal R. Comprehensive practical organic chemistry, University press.
  4. Nad  A. K.; Mahapatra B. and Ghoshal A.  An advanced course in practical chemistry, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.