Subject Code: ES5L203 Subject Name: Applied Hydrogeology L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Pre-requisite(s): Nil
Hydrological cycle, groundwater occurrence, flow through porous media; Aquifers and aquifer characteristics, Aquifer test and parameter estimation, run-off and stream flow; Groundwater contamination, sources and causes, Laboratory methods to estimate contaminant attenuation.
Saltwater intrusion in the coastal aquifer, changing water demand due to global warming and its effect on aquifer parameters, Artificial recharge, Watershed management and groundwater modeling.
Text/ Reference Books:
  1. D. K. Tood, Groundwater Hydrology, Wiley.
  2. M. Kasenow & L. Bagby, Applied Groundwater Hydrology and Well hydraulics, Water Resources Pubns.
  3. M. Kasenow, Aquifer Test Data: Evaluation and Analysis, Water Resources Pubns.