Subject Code: ES5L313 Subject Name: Glacial Geoscience L-T-P:  3-0-0 Credit:3
Pre-requisite(s): Nil
Quaternary Stratigraphy; Glacial Systems; Dynamics & Deformation, Erosion-Transportation; Subglacial, Superglacial & Proglacial Deposition; Ice-Margin Deposits; Meltwater & Lakes (Glaciolacustrine); Glacial Floods. Understanding Polar Geoscience and its role.

Text/ Reference Books:
  1. Matthew M. Bennett and Neil F. Glasser, Glacial Geology: Ice Sheets and Landforms, Wiley.
  2. Kurt M. Cuffey, W. S. B. Paterson, The Physics of Glaciers, Academic Press.
  3. C.J. van der Veen, Fundamentals of Glacier Dynamics, CRC Press.