Subject Code: MA7L019 Subject Name: Fourier Analysis  L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit:4
Pre-requisite(s): Real Analysis (MA5L002)
Basic Properties of Fourier Series: Uniqueness of Fourier Series, Convolutions, Cesaro and Abel Summability, Fejer's theorem, Poisson Kernel and Dirichlet problem in the unit disc. Mean square Convergence, Example of Continuous functions with divergent Fourier series. Distributions and Fourier Transforms: Calculus of Distributions, Schwartz class of rapidly decreasing functions, Fourier transforms of rapidly decreasing functions, Riemann Lebesgue lemma, Fourier Inversion Theorem, Fourier transforms of Gaussians. Tempered Distributions: Fourier transforms of tempered distributions, Convolutions, Applications to PDEs (Laplace, Heat and Wave Equations), Schrodinger-Equation and Uncertainty principle. Paley-Wienner Theorems, Poisson Summ-ation Formula: Radial Fourier transforms and Bessel's functions. Hermite functions. Optional Topics: Applications to PDEs, Wavelets and X-ray tomography.Applications to Number Theory.
Text  Books:
  1. Strichartz R.  A Guide to Distributions and Fourier Transforms, CRC Press
  2. Stein  E.M. and Shakarchi R.  Fourier Analysis: An Introduction, Princeton University Press, Princeton
  3. Richards I. and Youn H. Theory of Distributions and Non-technical Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Reference Books:
  1. Stein, E.M. Singular integrals and differentiability properties of functions,
  2. Sadosky, C. Interpolation of operators and singular integrals,
  3. Dym, H. and Mckean H.P. Fourier series and integrals
  4. Katznelson. Harmonic Analysis