AI & HPC Research Center

Advisor & Research Collaborator: Dr Pradip Bose, Distinguished Research Staff Member, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, NY
PRADIP BOSE is a Distinguished Research Scientist and Manager of the Efficient & Resilient Systems Department at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. He has over forty years of experience at IBM, and was a member of the pioneering RISC super scalar project at IBM (a pre-cursor to the first RS/6000 system product). Since then, he has been involved in the design and pre-silicon modeling of virtually all IBM POWER-series microprocessors. He has also been involved in z System (mainframe) processor power and reliability modeling and management. He served as the Principal Investigator of two successive, large DARPA-sponsored projects that were focused on energy efficient, AI/HPC-centric processors and domain-specific accelerators. He is now leading the architectural definition of a new DoD-sponsored project involving data-secure AI systems. He holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; prior to that, he earned his B.Tech. (Hons.) degree in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering from I.I.T. Kharagpur in India. Dr. Bose served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Micro from 2003-2006 and as the chair of ACM SIGMICRO from 2011-2017. He is an IEEE Fellow and a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. He also holds the title of “Master Inventor” at IBM, with well over 150 U.S. patents. He was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award from I.I.T Kharagpur in 2022.