Mechanical Systems Design

Subject Name Code L-T-P Credit Contact Hour
Vibrations ME6L001 3-1-0 4 4
Advanced Solid Mechanics ME6L002 3-1-0 4 4
Elective I - 3-0/1-0 3/4 3/4
Elective II - 3-0-0 3 3
Elective III - 3-0-0 3 3
Mechanical Systems Simulation Lab I ME6P001 0-0-3 2 3
Experimental Techniques for Mechanical Engineers ME6P002 0-0-3 2 3
Seminar I ME6S001 0-0-3 2 0
  Total : 15-2/3-9 23/24 23/24
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems ME6L051 3-1-0 4 4
Applied Elasticity ME6L052 3-1-0 4 4
Elective IV - 3-0/1-0 3/4 3/4
Elective V - 3-0-0 3 3
Elective VI - 3-0-0 3 3
Mechanical Systems Simulation Lab II ME6P003 0-0-3 2 3
Seminar II ME6S002 0-0-3 2 0
  Total : 15-2/3-6 21/22 20/21
Thesis  - Part I ME6D001 0-0-0 16 0
Research Review Paper - I ME6D002 0-0-0 4 0
Total : 20 0
Thesis  - Part II ME6D003 0-0-0 16 0
Research Review Paper - II ME6D004 0-0-0 4 0
Total : 20 0
                                                                                                                                            Total Credit:  84/86

List of Elective Subjects (Mechanical Systems Design)

Subject Name Code L-T-P Credit Contact Hour
Elective – I, II and III  
Applications of Linear Algebra in Mechanical Engineering ME6L171 3-0-0 3 3
Mathematical Methods I MA 60XX 3-0-0 3 3
Fatigue, Creep & Fracture ME6L003 3-0-0 3 3
Modern Control Theory ME6L004 3-1-0 4 4
Tribology ME6L005 3-1-0 4 4
Continuum Mechanics ME6L006 3-1-0 4 4
Engineering Design Optimization ME6L007 3-0-0 3 3
Sensing and Actuation ME6L008 3-0-0 3 3
Engineering Measurements ME6L009 3-1-0 4 4
Operations Management ME6L010 3-0-0 3 3
Finite Element Methods in Engineering ME6L011 3-1-0 4 4
Acoustics ME6L012 3-1-0 4 4
Robotics and Automation ME6L013 3-0-0 3 3
Advanced Fluid Dynamics ME6L101 3-1-0 4 4
Elective – IV, V and VI
Mathematical Methods II MA60XX 3-0-0 3 3
Industrial Noise Control ME6L053 3-0-0 3 3
Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers ME6L054 3-1-0 4 4
Random Vibration Theory ME6L055 3-0-0 3 3
Experimental Stress Analysis ME6L056 3-0-0 3 3
Theory of Composite Materials ME6L057 3-0-0 3 3
Experimental Modal Analysis ME6L058 3-0-0 3 3
Vibration of Structures ME6L059 3-0-0 3 3
Artificial Intelligence & Neuro-Fuzzy Theory ME6L060 3-1-0 4 4
Applied Ergonomics ME6L061 3-0-0 3 3
MEMS& Microsystems Technology ME6L062 3-0-0 3 3
Advanced Heat Transfer ME6L151 3-1-0 4 4