IIT Bhubaneswar

IIT Bhubaneswar

Feminine Fusion (Ladies club)

This club mainly focuses on socio-cultural activities and encourages the enterprises for the campus ladies.Suppose if anyone is interested in some enterprises; that could be in any form, like stitching, cooking, music, making some gift items etc. This club will promote them by organizing cookery demos, exhibitions of their arts/skills etc.

This club does monthly get-togethers, awareness programs for ladies, celebrates women’s day, mother’s day and festivals.

  • 7978544502 (KC), 9439099928 (SS), 9387856495 (BS)

  • femininefusion@iitbbs.ac.in


Dr. Kajari Chatterjee, Ms. Sangita Sahu, Ms. Brahannayaki Sekkar


All ladies of IIT Bhubaneswar fraternity. For registration, plz contact any of us.



Monthly get together ( 2 nd or 3 rd weekend of every month, particular date will be informed through mail/whatsapp group)

Upcoming events: Hariyali Teej (19 th Aug, 2023)

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