Transportation Service
- PIC Transport
- +91 674-713-5144

1. Institute vehicle can be booked for official purpose only subject to the availability of vehicles.
2. It is the sole responsibility of the respective reporting officer/ reviewing officer/section heads for proper and judicious use
of official vehicles for official uses only.
3. The booking of Vehicles will be done only after the submission of the Vehicle requisition form.
4. Notice period for booking is a minimum one day (24 hours) subject to the availability of vehicles.
5. The booking of vehicle will stand automatically cancelled if this vehicle is needed by the institute for the emergency official
6. Schools/Department/Faculty/Staff can use Institute vehicle by paying nominal charge.
7. The rate list for the use of Institute vehicles is attached in a separate link for your reference.
8. After Service Transport office will generate Demand Payment/bill and send to the concern.
9. After the payment the concern is needed to send the transaction copy of completed payment to the office email of transport
office at office.transport[at] for the official record.
10. To minimise the operational costs, Guests/users may be encouraged to book vehicles (for prior approved official purpose
only) for their official use through the cab aggregators (i.e., Ola/Uber/Sky cabs, etc) and get it reimbursed.
Chairman : Dr. Satchidananda Rath, Associate Professor (PIC Transport), SBS Member : Dr. Sivaih Bathula, Associate Professor, SMMME Ankit Bagde, Assistant Registrar (Finance & Accounts) Member Secretary & Convenor : Mr. Hemant Kumar Yadav, Hindi Translator |
Mr. Bibhu Ranjan Sahoo, Junior Assistant, Transport Office Contact : |
Operating Guidelines
(a) Outsourcing of transport services shall be done by an open tender following the Government of India norms for a maximum period of three years subject to satisfactory performance. Contract shall be terminated with 15 days notice if the Institute is not satisfied with the performance of the outsourcing agency/ transport service provider. Institute shall notify the service provider’s name, contract details, phone number, e-mail id etc. along with approved rate chart for the convenience of faculty members. Vehicles shall be booked by the faculty concerned with the approval HoS concerned. Such services shall be availed for airport/railway station pick up.
(b) Booking of transport for Finance, Building & Works Committee, Convocation, Board meeting etc. shall be taken care by the office of the Registrar.
(c) All transport arrangement for experts, selection committee members etc. in connection with faculty recruitment shall be done by the office of the Dean (Faculty & Planning).
(d) (i) Vehicles required for M. Tech/Ph.D examiners etc. shall be arranged by the respective Heads of Schools. (ii) Vehicles required for student registration, UGPEC, PGPEC, Senate meetings etc. shall be arranged by the Academic Section.
(e) All sorts of transport requirements for organizing seminar, workshop, conferences etc. shall be done by the organizers.
(f) Transport arrangements for Institute programmes such as Foundation Day, Institute Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Women’s Day shall be made by the Coordinators/Programme organizers concerned.
(g) Vehicles for airport/railway stations pick up etc. shall be arranged by the faculty, officers and staff concerned. Thereafter, such transport bills shall be submitted to the Institute along with TA bills/claim for reimbursement. (h) Vehicles shall be booked by faculty members for Academic/Department requirements with the approval of Head of the Department or School as the case may be. Such transport bills shall be paid from the operating budget of the Department/School concerned.
(i) Transport time table /schedule shall be notified on monthly basis by the Officer in charge of Transport for information and convenience of the users.
(j) The norms/specifications laid down by the road transport authority with regard to painting of buses/vehicles and all other safety norms for School/College buses shall be complied by the service provider. The Officer-in-charge shall verify periodically the compliance or otherwise by the service provider.
Click to Download Requisition Form
M/S Sidharth Travel
N-5/105, IRC Village, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar-15
Email: barik.sidharth08@gmail.
Phone: 0674-2362956
Mobile: 7978960177 / 9437227332
Work Order: Click to View Work Order
Transport Office
Telephone :
Postal Adress :
IIT Bhuabneswar,
Tranport Office (Administrative Building),
3rd Floor, Room No – 318/B,
Argul, Khordha PIN – 752050, ODISHA