Curriculum Ph.D.

Doctoral education has become of paramount significance in a world where knowledge is the new fuel. There has been a growing consensus among policy-makers that post-industrial society requires more highly educated people with technical and professional skills in a knowledge-based economy. Ideation and innovation are the order of the day and research provides the right platform for trained engineers to think, create and innovate. Researchers are a country’s intellectual pool and it has to be tapped into. IIT Bhubaneswar offers following research programmes in the following disciplines:

School Name Ph.D. Programmes Offered
1  Basic Sciences  Bio-Sciences  Chemistry  Mathematics  Physics
2  Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences Climate Sciences  Geosciences
3  Electrical and Computer Sciences Computer Science and Engineering  Electrical Engineering  Electronics and Communication Engineering
4  Infrastructure Sciences  Civil Engineering
5  Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering  Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
6  Mechanical Sciences  Mechanical Engineering
7  Humanities, Social Sciences and Management  Economics  English  Psychology  Philosophy
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