IIT Bhubaneswar

Finance Committee

Sl. No. Position Name & Address
01. Chairman Dr. Rajendra Prasad Singh
Former Chairman & Managing Director,
Power Grid Corporation and
Independent Director,
Azure Power Global Ltd.
02. Member
Prof. Shreepad Karmalkar
Director (IIT Bhubaneswar)
Argul, Khordha, Odisha – 752050
03. Member
(IIT Council Nominee)
Additional Secretary (TE),Deptt. of Higher Education
Ministry of Education
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001
04. Member
(IIT Council Nominee)
Shri Sanjog Kapoor
JS & FA, Deptt. of Higher Education
Ministry of Education
Government of India
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001.
05. Member
(Board Nominee)
Cdr. V.K. Jaitly
Corporate Consultant, Alumnus IIT Kharagpur
Indian Navy, (Retd.)
New Delhi – 110077
06. Member
(Board Nominee)
Shri Satyabarata Panda
Independent Director, Bharat Coking Coal Limited.
Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
07. Member
(Board Nominee)
Prof. Parlapalli Venkata Satyam
Professor, School of Basic Sciences
IIT Bhubaneswar
08. Secretary
Shri Bamadev Acharya
IIT Bhubaneswar
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