AI & HPC Research Center
AI & HPC Research Center

Prof Subhransu R Samantaray, Associate Center-Director
Prof Subhransu R Samantaray received B. Tech from UCE Burla, PhD from NIT Rourkela and Post-Doctoral Studies from McGill University, Canada. Currently, he holds the position of Professor, OPTCL Chair Professor and Head of the School of School of Electrical and Computer Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India. He has visited the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada and Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering, AALTO University, Finland as Visiting Professor. He has more than 24 years of experience including Industry and Academia.
His major research interests include PMU and wide area measurement, intelligent protection for transmission systems including FACTs, Micro-grid protection including distributed generation, Micro-grid planning, Wide-area based dynamic security assessment in large power networks and Smart-Grid Technologies. With 133 peer reviewed international journals and 77 conference proceedings, his research appeared in top power engineering journals such as IEEE Transactions, IET Proceedings and Elsevier etc. The research outcomes have been cited more than 7878 with h-index of 48 (i-10 index-125).
His research credentials brought several recognitions including Top 2 % scientist by Stanford University survey (Rank: 608 in Energy globally in 2023), SERB STAR Award-2021, Director’s Commendation for Outstanding Research-2021, IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award-2020, NASI-SCOPUS Young Scientists Awards-2015, IEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award-2012, Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award, Odisha Bigyana Acadmey-2010, Young Engineers Award-IEI (Institute of Engineers, India) -2009, Innovative Doctoral Thesis Award-Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) -2008, Young Scientists Award, Odisha Bigyana Acadmey, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Odisha) -2007 etc.
Prof Samantaray is past Associate Editor of IEEE Systems Journal, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Associate Editor, IET, Generation, Transmission & Distribution and Guest Editor, IEEE Sensor Journal. He is member of IEEE Power Systems Stability Sub-Committee and IEEE Task Force on Big-Data Analytics for Synchro-Waveform Meaurements.
Prof Samantaray is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE); Fellow of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), UK; Senior Member, IEEE (USA).